ARPA Event in Yarrow, BC: Full-time Kindergarten

The ARPA Langley presentation on this topic was a huge success. Now the newly formed ARPA Fraser Valley East is hosting a panel discussion on this topic on Monday, April 19 at 7:30pm in the Yarrow Canadian Reformed Church. Schools and parents are currently discussing how to proceed in light of the BC provincial government’s decision to implement full day kindergarten. The Ministry of Education has also stated that it is considering more changes down the road, including kindergarten for 3 and 4 year olds.  What should we think of this?  The first step is to be informed.


  • Kent Dykstra – Principal of William of Orange Elementary School – Ramifications for independent schools
  • Neil Dykstra – Chair of Langley ARPA – Ideological and political roots of all day kindergarten
  • Rev. C. Bowman-Pastor of Yarrow Canadian Reformed Church – Biblical perspective on early education
  • Mark Penninga – Director of ARPA Canada – Action Items for this issue

A brief AGM for ARPA Fraser Valley East will take place after this event in a separate room.